Sunday, August 22, 2010

Introducing Jenny the Kitty ...

I'd like to introduce to you our new kitten Jenny!!  At only 9 weeks old, she's the cutest thing ever - a pure bundle of love. We brought her home from North Shore Animal League America. There were dozens of adorable puppies and kittens for the taking, but when I saw THIS little kitty, I knew I had to have her. She even matches our furniture!!

Her first weekend home, she was very quiet and shy ... I wasn't even sure she knew how to use her litter box.There were definitely a few "poopy" accidents behind the TV. Now, one week later, Jenny is so sweet and full of personality. She has all kinds of toys, string, stuffed miced and cat-nip. She's in kitty heaven.  Zooming all around, back and forward, purring, meowing, and eating .. Boyyyy can she eat. She's gained a few pounds in only one weeks time. I have a feeling she's going to be a "fatt-y". Well, I've always wanted a 20lb cat ... Maybe Jenny will be it. :)

Since she's new to the family, I had to go ahead and take her first kitty portrait. How else am I going to remember how tiny she used to be once she hits the 20lb mark!? 


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