Monday, March 14, 2011

Personal Goal #1 - New York, NY Lifestyle Wedding Photographer

Things are getting a little bit busy these days with the ongoing wedding planning, upcomming weddings I'll be shooting this year and the organization and implementation of my business plan for 2011, I'm burning the candle at both ends it seems. Although I'm tired and stressed most days, I don't forget to count my blessings. I'm making the time to persue my passion, grow my business and I'm getting married this year - (can't believe only 6 months to go!) - These are all great things in progress. Even with  all this important stuff going on, there are some personal things (little things) I'd like to work on and get done this year too! So, I'll take the time to post them here and share with you. I'm hoping that "putting it out there" will help me to be more accountable in achieving these little task.

So, here it is - Personal Goal #1

I'd like to be able to drive a stick shift by the end of 2011! Depending on the person this may be an odd personal goal, or maybe it isn't. You see, I used to have a car, a great one! I loved my fully automatic 1996 Mazda 626 . We logged lots of lovely mileage and got lots done together.  And then one day she over heated on me and burned out - right on Queens Blvd! Can you imagine a smoking car on Queens Blvd blocking 2 lanes of traffic for almost 2 hours? Thats how long it took the tow truck to arrive at the crime scene. I swear stuff like that happens only to me! =P

Anyway ...  I've been car-less since 2009. Being without a car quite frankly, stinks. Now, I do have a car - actually WE do,  but I don't know how to drive it. Aloysius drives a Honda stick.  Its such a dude thing. I love the car and all the places its taken me, but why couldn't he have gotten a standard automatic like everyone else? Sheesh! I've been meaning for sometime to get him to give me a few lessons, but of course we never get around to it. Aloysius is completley happy schelpping me around when public transportation just won't do, but I can't let that keep me from learning. There've been days I needed a car to get around and our's was sitting right out front, but no Aloysius in sight. I've been spolied and I need to be super pro-active this year. The weather is getting much nicer and with daylights savings in full effect, we have an extra hour of daylight to play with! One thing I am worried about is my foot-hand coordination - important when driving a manual. *Note to Aloysius* - I hope I don't to grind too many gears and  I'm sorry in advance if I do, Babe!  

Wish me luck folks ... I mean with THREE FOOT PEDALS I'm definitley going to need it.


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