Sunday, November 7, 2010

Showing Love to My Love - New York, NY Photographer

I have a lot ot be thankful for. My terrific boyfriend. My cute little apartment exactly where I want to live. My awesome cat (with the personality of a dog) Jenny. I've been a plus model for the last 5 years, lost over 80 lbs, and now I've ventured into one of the most creative outlets ever - photography.

But, I'd like to post this special thank you to my boyfriend and best friend. We are partners in life, and now in business.  Aloysius has literally been my backbone through so many things over the years. When I decided I wanted to try my luck as a plus size model, guess who accompanied me on my visits to each modeling agency. When I decided I wanted to to lose over 50 lbs, guess who automatically transformed into the perfect gym buddy and ate salad with me every night for dinner. And when I decided I wanted to go ahead and be a photographer, guess who spent hours online researching the best camera I could afford. He truly believes in each of my goals, and gives himself entirely to make it work for us.  Now, when I watch photography tutorials online, guess who’s watching with me.  When I’m shooting portraits for a client, guess who’s holding the reflector or blocking light from the subjects eyes. When I’m experimenting with a new lighting setup, guess who my model mannequin is. And when I’m frustrated, lacking confidence, and having a meltdown because “I suck”, guess who recomposes me and believes I can do anything. Yup, Aloysius.  We work together on everything. He’s there through it all.  Knowing I can trust in him to back me up through the day on shoots and keep me in control when I start freaking out is the most comforting feeling of all.

So, Thanks Babe!

And now I should probably get ready for bed since we've agreed to start our 5:00 am winter workout plan tomorrow ... eeeK!


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