Friday, March 25, 2011

Random Friday - Diary of a Photographer - New York City - Wedding Photography

Just a post to spew my rambling thoughts.  Random?  Yes.  But bear with me.

My brain is spirialing with so many things that must be done and we're nearing the end of another month!  My list of "TO DO's" is getting longer by the day. Everytime I check something off, I have to write two more down.

On a good note:  I got my taxes done last weekend! *raise the roof* -- The business tax thing was a huge worry for me, and its now one less thing looming over my head. So, I feel really good about that. Amen.

On an UBER good note: I've been working hard at getting an excellent team of Makeup Artist and Hairstylist together to work with me on a few Bridal shoots this Spring AND of course to make YOU (my future brides) look super fabulous on your bridal, engagment or GLAM session! What is a GLAM session you ask? More on that LATER.  We can't wait to work our magic together on YOU!

On an exciting note: I'll be attending the "Spread the Love" workshop next week with Justin and Mary Marantz!! I know the information they'll share with us will be PRICELESS and I can't wait to hear them speak again!!

On an UBER exciting note: Going into April - I'll be shooting my first wedding of the year - Yay! This is what I live for!

Oh, yeah and there's this one other little thing I'm trying to organize this year - My Wedding! It's so awful to say that, yes, sometimes I forget there is wedding stuff to be done. The big day is about 6 months away. 

Have I chosen a wedding color yet? Nope.

Have I gone shopping for the Dress yet? Nope.

Have I purchased the invitations yet ... you guessed it - Nope. And this list goes on.

What am I waiting for, you ask? Your guess is as good as mine! I never thought there would be so much detail to worry about -- a ba-zillion little things you never think about until its your turn to plan a wedding! *phew*

There are about a dozen other things I've procrastinated on as well - How about that visit to the eye doctor I've been putting off. I've pretty much been in a state of denial for quite some time, but I must face the reality - I need glasses. Squinting is not cool. Or my resolution to get in shape for the biggest day of my life. Still workin' on it!

I know, I know -- Its time to shake a leg!

Before the smoke starts to flow from my ears, let me share this dress I've been drooling over for the last few weeks. Its the most Perfect (with a capital P) wedding dress I've ever laid eyes on from Aria Dress - I mention them in a post I wrote especially for the Brides.

Stunning, Simple and Elegant ... I Die. This weekend WILL be productive - I know it.


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